Bearded Dragon Lifespan The Lifespan Of The Bearded Dragon
Bearded Dragon Lifespan: A lot of bearded dragon information can be found on the internet. Many bearded dragon enthusiasts and breeders are quick to point out that they have a long lifespan, and some of these bearded dragons can live up to ten years and even more. Unfortunately, much of the bearded dragon information is just this: information.
No one really knows for sure how long-bearded dragons live, what they eat, and how they interact with their owners. After all, they are nocturnal animals that don’t keep track of their lives and usually end up surviving for a few days after death. However, there are a few facts about bearded dragon lizards that can help you better understand their habits and behaviors.

The bearded dragon’s lifespan is quite interesting in that it is longer than the life expectancy of most other reptiles. In fact, this lizard can live up to fifteen years and over! This may sound like a stretch, but considering their size and the fact that they don’t move around very much, their lifespan is actually quite remarkable.
Bearded dragons do not hibernate in winter, which is a common occurrence among reptiles. They will, however, slow down their metabolism, which makes them more susceptible to colds and illnesses.
Also, it is important to note that bearded dragons do not eat at all during the winter. They will eat at night if they are stressed or are anxious about something, but once they return to their enclosures, they will consume food the next day.
If you are concerned about the condition of your bearded dragon and want to feed it during the winter months, be sure to purchase a winter feeder that is specifically designed for bearded dragons. These winter feeders are usually larger than those for most other lizards. Also, be careful not to overfeed them. Overfeeding can cause internal problems and lead to an obese state that is hard to get rid of.
Another bearded dragon information worth noting is that the bearded dragon is one of the few reptile pets that are generally free of diseases. However, you must remember that they do pass salmonella, so you must be careful with how you handle your bearded dragon and check for any signs of illness.
This is particularly true when the bearded dragon is purchased from an online retailer. While many retailers will carry a brief list of salmonella symptoms, you should still check with your veterinarian. Bearded dragons are susceptible to the herpes simplex virus, which is carried by un-sterilized animals and can cause serious health problems.
One of the most noteworthy bearded dragon information is that the bearded dragon is one of the few animals which is adaptable to a wide variety of living conditions. They can live in a variety of temperature levels, and they do well in captivity.
This bearded dragon information is especially important because it pertains to the species’ ability to live comfortably in captivity. It is also important to note that the bearded dragon is not picky about its living conditions, so long as they are suitable for a comfortable living environment.
The bearded dragon information about diet that was mentioned previously helps to shed light on what the bearded dragon needs to survive and thrive. In fact, this information shows that these lizards enjoy a varied diet, but they are predominantly carnivores.
It is interesting to note that although some of the bearded dragons eat insects, many of them will subsist on meat. This combination of a meat diet along with a vegetable diet is one of the reasons for the long lifespan of this animal.
The bearded dragon’s ability to regenerate is another important bit of bearded dragon information that helps to extend their lifespan. Although the bearded dragon cannot physically heal itself like humans can, it has the ability to heal while it is in the process of regenerating. This is thanks to the regeneration process. During this process, the bearded dragon reverts to a small and delicate embryo, before it grows into a full-grown adult.
Many bearded dragon enthusiasts want to know just how long the animal’s life span is. Well, the answer is “all about ten years”. The bearded dragon is not uncommon in the pet trade at all and is one of the more popular pets among reptile lovers.
This is largely due to the fact that they are a very attractive animal, with the ability to become very colorful when they are happy. Their longevity makes them extremely popular and much desired.