A Stink to Consider When Deciding Between a Scorpion and a Strawberry Poison Dart Frog
As it is more commonly known, the strawberry poison dart frog is a large species of harmless poison dart frog native to Central America. Its natural habitat is the dry forests and hillsides of the lowland tropical forests of this region. Its natural range, which stretches from western central Nicaragua up to northern Panama and northern Costa Rica, is widespread.
Its scientific name, Squilla pulcherrima, is its common scientific name. It is also called the black-tipped frog, the common mud frog, and the water frog. Like all frogs, it has an olfactory system that it uses to locate food by smelling it. The only reason you’d ever see a strawberry poison dart frog in the wild is that it is hunting.
When threatened, the strawberry poison dart frog strikes with poisonous saliva that causes death within 12 hours. It will inject a small quantity of venom into its victim. This venom is very effective because it is not lethal to living prey such as birds, lizards, and bugs. However, it will inject a more significant amount of venom, killing them instantly when it bites a not alive target. It will then retreat into its hiding place.
There are several standard features about this species that make them a popular target for envenomed. They are nocturnal, and you’ll only discover them in the morning hours. They tend to come out of hiding during the night, so their scent is not likely to be detected unless you keep track of them through night vision or similar technology. Their coloration is also unique, and it can be challenging for an envenomed to mistake it for any other frog.
Also, the strawberry poison dart frog has a unique organ called the leptocarpal, or tongue. It is extremely sensitive, and it allows it to feel pain, whether or not there is actual venom present. If anything touches or rubs it, the tongue will move and inject a little pain. The reason they have this organ is that they rarely use it to eat.
Its highly developed sense of smell helps it avoid dangers, but it will do so with a great deal of difficulty if it is forced to eat. The reason for this is that its throat is short. Unlike other species, it possesses no vocal cords. Instead, it uses its two front legs to keep itself afloat. It is likely that a person who does not know the frog’s typical pattern will confuse it for a rattlesnake because it moves its legs so awkwardly. Even though the legs are the only parts that move, it still moves its body in a pattern that resembles a rattle.
The strawberry poison dart frog also suffers from a digestive problem. Because it generally drinks through a pre-existing hole in its tail, it has trouble digesting anything solid. Therefore, any poisonous liquid that it ingests will be immediately passed out through this hole. If a hunter is stalking the animal, this is the perfect opportunity to attack and poison the hunter.
As far as danger to humans goes, there is little risk at all. Since it is venomous, any person touching one of these creatures will likely contract some form of poison through the legs. However, since it moves its body so awkwardly, this type of snake is rarely seen and will probably stay hidden from hunters. Its poisonous juices won’t harm a human if ingested, but since it is so hard to consume, a dangerous quantity of the fluid will kill a person if they touch it.