The Joys of catching blue catfish
The blue catfish (also called river catfish and flathead catfish) are probably the most common North American freshwater catfish species. The average length of the fish is more than 25 in., with the size varying from one to three feet. The cat may reach more than 65 kg and a total length of more than 180 cm. They are generally found in shallow water in lakes, rivers and ponds. The average depth below which they thrive is less than four feet.
The blue has a single largemouth on its top, a feature that sets it apart from other members of the genus Cargillidae. Each individual has two stomachs, and these are covered with scales. Apart from the prominent mouth, the body is completely smooth, except for a small slit at the rear end. The head is triangular with dark-colored splotches around it.
This fish generally feeds on small fish, bugs, crustaceans and other crustaceans. They are said to have a perfect sense of smell and can often be observed lurking around objects that smell of food, such as chicken or beef. Blue catfish can usually be identified by the ghostly sight of something swimming or trailing behind them.
When fishing for the blue cat, baitfish and other smaller games are usually taken. Larger fish, such as flatheads and carp, are occasionally taken but are not preferred by the cat. The blue cat will feed almost exclusively on anchovies, sardines, herrings, shad, mussels, and crab meat. Occasionally, black, red or greenish algae, known as blue catfish bait, are found along the river bottom edges.
Blue catfish usually move through channels in search of food. They feed at night and stay close to the bottoms of the media. The blue cat usually prefers clear water; therefore, clear, calm, or murky water is also favored. They are seldom seen in muddy or cloudy water. They eat almost anything, including mosquito larva, ants, fish, shrimp, snails, crabs, cook eggs and frogs. They have been known to dig up carrion and consume it as their primary source of food.
Largemouth and smallmouth catfish are usually found together in schools. Blue catfish like to ambush their prey at night and pounce quickly when the cat strikes with full force. The leaping and diving are what make the whole process of catching blue catfish exciting.
Catching these fish is a trendy sport. Since the fish has a reputation for being aggressive and greedy, fishers are not uncommon to spend days fishing for this fish. In addition to the traditional baitfish and shrimp methods of catching catfish, live bait, lures, and traps are also used.
A successful blue catfish catch must be quick, silent, and cunning. Catfish are very elusive and will often go deep into the waters without even signaling their presence. Therefore, anglers must become skilled in locating where the fish are and use all the tools at their disposal to reel in this type of fish. Many times the angler will have to use sonar to locate the fish. Once found, it is crucial to act fast, and once the fish is caught, the fight will never end because blue catfish are known to strike multiple times.
Since blue catfish like to ambush their prey from hiding spots, fishing for them at night or in bad weather conditions is a surefire way to succeed. If you are fishing in bad weather, try fishing during dusk or darkness. The fish will be closer to the bottom and will be less likely to see you. On the other hand, if you are fishing during the daytime, try to feel during sunrise or sunset when they will be naturally brightest.
Catfish tend to stay close to the edges of the water. To detect movement, they use the sense of sight. Blue catfish will dart and twitch their bodies to see any activity. When they spot something of interest, they will rapidly move closer to the lure. Because they have poor eyesight, a catfish does not have a perfect sense of smell. If you are trying to catch blue catfish on a hook, try using a bobber.
A rubber works by using surface tension to cast into the water. The rubber keeps the bait from floating freely as it would with live bait. Using a bobber also allows you to use lures that mimic the natural movement of blue catfish. These lures, such as the wobblers and the spinnerbaits, make the catfish think the bait is moving by creating vibrations.