What Fish Can Live With Mollies?
What fish can live with mollies? If you are new to the world of tropical fish or have just started keeping your own tropical fish, you will want to know what fish can live with mollies. Mollies are marine fish that molly belongs to the orders cichlids. These are saltwater fish that are commonly kept as tank mates. The only difference between them and other fish is that mollies are not to be given fish food that is suitable for their health.
An interesting little fact about mollies, also known as guppies, is that they are true livebearers. This means they hold their young in their bodies until they can give birth to a viable adult fish right away. They are an ideal group of fish, to begin with. Most species are very easy to take care of, which makes them a good choice for beginner hobbyists. Mollies are typically hardy and relatively easy to maintain, making them a good choice for people new to keeping fish.
One of the things that make molly such a good fish to choose for new hobbyists is their compatibility with other species. Mollies can live anywhere from two to five gallons and can tolerate a wide range of water conditions. They tend to do best in waters that are between fifteen and thirty degrees Fahrenheit, which is perfect for most tropical fish hobbyists. It is recommended that they should not be placed in direct sunlight as their light spectrum is not very good for their health. They do eat algae, so aquarium plants should also not be included in the diet.
Mollies are actually a large number of various breeds of goldfish. Many people simply refer to them as “Molly’s” which can lead to confusion among enthusiasts. Some breeds, such as the Bengalese, are truly mollies, while others such as the Comet belong to a different family altogether. Regardless of the names used to refer to these fish, all share some common traits that make them easy to breed.
One trait common to all mollies, both freshwater and saltwater, is that they have relatively short lifespans. This is because they are generally sensitive to changes in their environment, so breeding them is usually a long process. As their lifespan is relatively short, you may find that you will have to keep trying to get your fish to breed. This can be frustrating, especially if you do not plan to breed them for commercial purposes. The best thing to do in this case is to start small and work up from there.
The second trait common to all mollies, both freshwater and saltwater, is that their requirements for tank size depend on their population size. If you are only interested in breeding one fish, such as a Rosey Redtail, then the answer to what fish can live with mollies will be fairly easy. On the other hand, if you want to keep a breeding pair for sale, then you should be prepared to provide large amounts of tank space and allow for proper water conditions. A significant difference between the two is in the diet of the fish, as well as their water conditions.
As previously mentioned, mollies are typically sensitive to changes in their environment, so the first thing you need to know about them is what fish can live with mollies in their aquarium water conditions. To start, it is generally recommended that mollies be fed small meals once or twice a day. This allows them to receive a regular supply of food while maintaining their water conditions. The food should be of low nitrogen and low protein level and should be offered over a longer period of time than most other species of fish would be fed.
Once you have established the proper food, as previously stated, it is important that you keep the water parameters of your tank stable. These guidelines come directly from the IDEX Zone Guide, which is by far the most widely used reference for tropical fish. The author notes that the primary key to keeping mollies is to maintain their water parameters stable at all times. The amount of food should also be decreased as their popularity grows, but you should not allow their numbers to grow unchecked.